Sunday, July 03, 2005

My 1st Step to Being a Successful Rocket Scientist

I don't know whether to laugh or cry about this incident. It happened on the 2nd of July, a Saturday.

For dinner, my mum made fried rice. Because I cooked 3 hard boiled eggs on Friday and hadn't eaten them yet, I decided to cook them. They were already shelled.

I stuck them in the microwave for a minute on 'High'. I took them out, and poked them. The ice on them were not thawed yet, so I put them back in the microwave for another 2 minutes on 'High'.

I smelt something eggy when 1 minute went past.
I looked inside and saw one of the eggs err... rupturing. Small pieces of egg splattered on the back of the microwave oven.
I thought that it wasn't going to do much harm, (although when I heard the boom sound, I jumped.) so I let the microwave continue cooking it.

Then, just in a blink of an eye, all three eggs went "BOOM!!!" and splattered their disintegrated selves all over in the interior of the microwave. This time, I jumped higher.

Instinctively, I stopped the microwave and opened it...
only to be greeted by a small splat of disintegrated eggs on my face.
A small amount, though.

I also ended up with a couple of smashed eggs on the floor. My mum rushed in immediately, and saw the pathetic scene. So she passed me a wet towel and said, 'Sorry, but you have to clean this.'

I was like "Okay, but can you let me recover from this traumatizing event first? Besides, I don't think I can clean it with only this piece of cloth, because eggs are stuck in the microwave vents too."

It took me about 15 seconds to recover. My father rushed in too, due to the rather stunning explosion.
"Aiyo, you got egg in your hair."
...............................................................................*explains situation to him*

No words could describe how I felt. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But in the end I laughed.
I'd just done the most stupid thing in my life.
Let's get some chips and coke to celebrate, shall we?

"Ode to the most stupid incident in xinyi's life" is the name of the party.

My father was much more helpful than my mum, though. He gave me a vacuum and helped out.

So there.



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