Humans don't appreciate what they have at first...
They only find out that what they have means alot to them when they lose those stuff.
Stuff like freedom, food, clean air, friends and family, etc.
Besides food, I think that there's another thing that many women have taken for granted. Their modesty.
Ok, so why did I come up with this topic??? I saw this gigantic poster in front of the Singapore EXPO yesterday while I was in my dad's car. It portrayed a sexy woman wearing so scantily... posing like some prostitute waiting for the old ah pek to come... OKAY YOU GET THE IDEA. I was very much disgusted...
So, you may ask, what was I thinking at that point of time?
1) This model has a brain made of bird-shit.
2) This model is pretty, and at the same time has an IQ... as high as her shoe size. (yes that means that we're all geniuses *almost on par with albert, and we should thank her for allowing herself to be stupid, because she gave us a chance in life to be geniuses.)
3) The guy who thought of the idea of putting a poster like THAT in public is a perverted sex maniac who just escaped from the IMH.
4) Er, Media Authority of Singapore? How could you allow posters like this to be displayed openly in public? And furthermore, this is not the only poster in Singapore (displayed publicly) that will generate perverted thoughts in men. EH! HALLO!!! BLIND ONE AH?!
Oh I just remembered an article from a science magazine. Pornography does 'blind' people, temporarily.
Think about the women in other countries who are being treated unfairly. Those in countries which discriminate against women. Let's take a country like... a certain part of Africa. There, women, and even GIRLS younger than us are raped everyday. The rate of raping there??? About, say, 5 every hour?
And what happens to those poor girls? Well, they don't have a say in anything. So they just have to accept the fact that they were sexually exploited. The men there have the final word for everything. The women are just treated as lowly humans who don't deserve respect. As a result, many girls have contracted STDs like AIDS, herpes, etc.
Now, let's look at Singapore. Of course, Singapore is a much more civilised country. The government punishes those who commit crimes severely.The men living here are generally able to control their... erm... Let's refer to it as urges. Ya. So, even if they see a scantily-clad woman in the street, they most probably won't go up to them, pin them down and rape them, unlike in other countries.
As a result, more Singaporean women are wearing lesser and lesser clothes. In the past, women wore shorts. Now, they wear super short shorts, and super ultra micro mini skirts. (Which may result in more perverts, and families breaking up?) Necklines are plunging down into blindingly low depths. (Covers eyes and runs away)
In short, don't you think that many women are taking for granted the fact that Singaporean men are more civilised?
Now, have a look at some magazines like eight days, and look at some advertisments around your neighbourhood.
Dear MDA, WHAT THE HECK is happening?
What is being inculcated into the minds of our children???
Answer: sex!!! WHAT THE *toot*!!! Wei! I'm concerned about our future kids!!!
Shouldn't the government stop advertisers from using suggestive images and words in public ads? Such ads should be limited to places where only adults exist. Stop exposing our kids to mind-polluting stuff like that!
Please, I'm appealing to all advertisers here.
Think Clean. Think Clear. Think... Conscientious.
I personally think that people who look at pornography happily, and people who model for disgusting pictures are all bird-shit-brained idiots who should not exist on earth. Remember, pornography makes people go stupid.
And by the way, you all must have read many articles in the Straits Times about this girl called Sarong Party Girl. Her blog became famous because she posted naked pictures of herself on her blog. I think that she is a total poop-brained idiot, because she is polluting more people's brains, and making the society more stupid, just because she's stupid. Honestly, I DESPISE HER!!!
She's Annabel Chong the second, just another prostitute-to-be. Another person who's ruining the clean image of Singapore. Why dirty the image of Singaporeans??? What were we taught in school?! To contribute to Singapore and make it better for our future generations, right?
So what the heck is this girl DOING??? And why the hell did Annabel Chong do something so low-down??? (Read the article in the straits times about annabel chong in sunday's paper. I was disgusted to read about it.)
I appeal to all readers of my post to oppose against pornography, the blog mentioned above AND the girl mentioned above, or any other blogs and people that are making people stupid.
I mean, COME ON!
The genius Albert Einstein is dead, and we badly need another Einstein. So why ruin the minds of our children? Every kid has an equal chance to succeed in life, and every kid has the potential to be the next Einstein. Why ruin their chances by polluting their minds? What's happening to the world?
It's for the sake of women's rights. Since we women in Singapore have a say, all the more, we shouldn't show off our bodies freely in public for all old perverts to see. We should respect ourselves and our fellow women, right?
Save mother earth, go green.
Save the brains of our future generations, go clean.
Yes, as clean as the pure water vapour in the skies of Singapore! Yay!
So, stop more people from turning into bird-shit-brained idiots!
Remember, supply and demand. If nobody wants to see pornography, then no one will produce pronographic materials. And the world will be a much happier place.
Wonder why I called those people bird-shit-brained idiots? Because bird poop is dirty. You get the idea. Dirty minded. WHAHAHHAHAA...
Another thing... I have this poster which says the following. I find it inspiring, and you should remember it!
"Bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in school are the work of many generations. All this is put in your hands as your inheritance in order that you may receive it, honour it, add to it, and one day faithfully hand it on to your children."
And who said this???
None other than the great, wise ALBERT EINSTEIN!!!
Use this motto in your life. Make the world a better place for everyone to live in! =D Yeah!
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