Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Why The Steriotyping????

ok i have another new topic to start.

A few days back at school, I made a new friend via the library board. When i told her that i was from art club, she said " oh, is it not boring?" . I really do not understand one thing, why are all the minority clubs steriotyped as boring? When we have our CCA day, where do you see the longest line? yes in all those groups which have auditions and are really respected by the students even though they do not do half the things we do. Art Club paints the boxes drama club uses, sews their curtains paints their props and what do we get in return? Not even recognition from the club let alone the school. Computer club designs the posters for the school, participates in prestigious competitions and are they ever given any recognition? NOOOOO! Recognotion is only given to the other popular groups. All those groups need to do is make one announcement about any programme they are having and tkgians come running to support them. However when the library board makes announcements for any competition they may be having nobody responds! Why? Beacause te library has been steriotyped as boring and no matter how much effort is made to ask ppl to come down to library even to watch free movies, no body comes. Is this how we are to be treated? The school just takes these clubs for granted. What if the librarians decide to go on strike. No one in the school will be able to borrow books, you will not be able to have peace and quiet to study the library will become living hell!!!! To look at it in another way, the school is partially to blame for this steriotyping. When students auditon for certain CCAs that the may want to ge in but are unable to, they are directed to the darned minority groups. At that point of time the students think that all those goups namely the comp & art clubs and basketball are for good for nothings and are your last options. In that way students join the clubs half heartedly and are not intrested in the activities which are actually interesting. Then the drama club members are so popular. Its like if you are in drama you are popular instantly but if you are in art club basketball or comp club you are a nerd. If you do not believe me just take a look at the school community? Look in your class who are the more popular ones are they not those in drama dance and all those sports? Why are we discriminated? Why are we not given as much support as the other groups are by the school community? We labour behind the scenes and we are not given any recognition have you ever heard any of the teachers cheering us on? Has any member of the school community actually commended any of the minority groups? How many people you know are in awe of the drama and dance? Yes we know that our school is stron gin the arts but does that mean they have to stop supporting the non arts? this is injustice to us? We should raise this matter in the school and ask questions to the school on this matter. Is it not in the pledge, " build a democratic society based on justice and equality..." ? So let me pose this questoin to the TKGS school community WHERE IS THE JUSTICE AND EQUALITY BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT CCA GROUPS??????

I hope my post has enlightened all those readers out there. Let us all stand together and fight against this discrimination and stereotyping. Thank You.

-eddy edha-


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