Monday, July 03, 2006

Post dedicated to elain! =)

Haha hi everybody! I haven't posted in a VERRRYYYYY LOOONG TIME!!!
But I better post this one while I'm still free.
It involves the future of my junior.
Very important.

Okies so here goes!

All that I know about sec 3 geog:

It's very different from sec 2 geog, really. In triple science, we are FORCED to study Human Geography(as much as I dislike it).

So, what's so different about Human Geog and Physical Geog?

I tell you VERY DIFFERENT! (in my opinion lah. hehe.)

Human geog: we study stuff like agriculture. I'll give you a few examples of what we studied. 1) Rice cultivation, 2) Aeroponics/Hydroponics (modern way of cultivation) So it's stuff like how people grow the crops, why they grow crops, blah blah blah. And also MAP READING. (to the dismay of many)

We also study things like how all these modern ways of growing crops can benefit the world and Singapore as a whole.
In sec 4 we will study TOURISM! Means that the Integrated Resort in Singapore will be a huge topic of discussion for us.

BTW b4 we made our streaming choice Mrs Chia told us smth like the elective geog I'm studying now, when go JC, is not enough or smth? Dunno. And dun care.


Okie. That's about all for human geog, very summarized.

My human geog not gd, hehe. =P

Physical Geog: More scientific. (I like!) You study stuff like how tornadoes/volcanoes form, types of terrains, weather stuff. Alot of scientific stuff lah.

But WARNING: I think physical geog requires intense memorization? Like bio like that.

Coz the textbook looks chim to me. hehe. And people don't usually score well for physical geog from what I have seen so far. (for term 1 and 2 at least) I shall not comment further, because I don't take physical geog. =/ Therefore I am not in a gd position to comment about it. Any SLS volunteers willing to elaborate?

Overall, I think that lower sec geog is mostly physical geog! Any SLSians wanna comment also?

History lei???

Eh. Actually my lower sec history wasn't GREAT to begin with. It was either ok or bad. Because I hate answering history questions. Write until hand pain larh. And waste ink. Oh no I sound so biased.

But actually, in upper sec, you'll get to study WORLD HISTORY! Which is much much much cooler than what we study in lower sec!

From what I heard from people, it is said that one should not take history if one has no interest in history, because... upper sec history can get difficult if you have no interest.

So, if you have the interest and work hard, you will go all the way. =D

Just like Richard Branson said about work: "If it's not fun, move on."
He said that he became a billionaire by having fun while during his work.

Think about it this way.

When you're having fun, you're happy. When you're happy, you're naturally more productive. When you're more productive, of course get more money loh. hehe!

Same goes for your studies! Study what you like, make the best out of it.

Oh ya. Just in case you didn't know. Your sec 2 streaming choice can affect what course you take in JC and University. So must think properly. For example wanna be doctor, now MUST take triple science. (if i'm not wrong, that is.) Can check out NUS site if you want to.

Wish you all the best in your academic career!!!(studies) =D



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